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Morphling was made in 72 hours for the Ludum Dare game jam, and was originally released in April 2016. It's a classic arcade platformer where the main character can shapeshift into 6 different animals. You can use your abilities to change into a powerful gorilla, a nimble cat, a diving fish, a gliding bat, a slidy lizard or a laser dragon(!)

This game was made for Ludum Dare 35, and the theme was Shapeshift. We tried hard to base the whole game around the theme, and the shapeshifting is a key part of the design. We were really pleased with how the platforming feels and how the different abilities work together. One thing we failed on during the game jam was level design, if we decide to work more on this game then we know that we need to introduce the abilities one-by-one and build the levels around them. At the moment it's a bit hardcore, so sorry about that

Keyboard – Arrow keys to move, up arrow or spacebar to jump. Z to dash attack. X to shoot. Arrows + C to dodge.
Gamepad – Left stick to move, A to jump. X to dash attack. Y to shoot. Arrows + B to dodge.

We didn't have much time for level design, so some parts of this are very hard. Just remember that the dodge move where you turn into a cat makes you invincible for a few seconds, this can get you out of all sorts of trouble. There are quite a few crates around the level, and all of these have health in.

Rated 4.3 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
AuthorSecond Dimension Games
Made withConstruct
Tags16-bit, 2D, Aliens, Cute, Ludum Dare, Ludum Dare 35, Pixel Art


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found a bug

I appreciate starting out with all abilities and moderate difficulty. The illustrations and animations are fun. The AI is aggressive, yet robotic. Thank you.


i loved it! im surprised you managed to get such a variety of mechanics and enemies in such a short span of time, and the graphics too! i really loved the bat shifting as well, thats such a clever way to implement a double jump ability! great job guys!

Thanks a lot, I'd love to return to this one day and make a proper game of it

Possible to talk about something game jam related???


I think it's nice
but just one suggestion:
add music and SFX control
good luck


Great game! Love the graphics and concept! :)

Thanks a lot, glad you like it!